PTO Donations!

This fundraiser is in lieu of sending students home with the task of selling door-to-door, collecting money and delivering goods.  Please help us avoid that by supporting our PTO with your donation and helping us achieve our goal of supporting our students and faculty.

Item DescriptionPriceQty
 $15 to not bake
I do not want to bake, so here is the money I would have spent on those cupcakes.
 $25 to not sell stuff
I do not want to hit up friends, family or coworkers, so here is the money I would have spent buying wrapping paper.
 $50 to not exercise
I do not want to walk, swim or run in any activity that has the word "thon" in it. Here is the money I would have spent on my child's "free" t-shirt.
 $75 to not dance
I don't want to attend any fancy balls, so here is the money I would have spent on a new outfit.
 $100 to forget my name
I really wouldn't have helped anyway, so here is $100 to forget my name.
 $______ for my appreciation
I am making this donation to express my appreciation for having nothing to buy, sell or do except fill out this form.

Thanks for your support!